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Friday, January 31, 2020

Allies by Alan Gratz

Allies by Alan Gratz

Historical Fiction

age - 11-13
grade 6-8
307 pages, hardcover
c. 2019

            An action- packed account of the Allied invasion of Normandy, June 6, 1944, D-Day, told from multiple points of view. Starting before dawn and ending after midnight you meet many different “allies.” Private Dee Carpenter, a 16 year- old Germany immigrant who lied about his age to enlist. Sid, a 17 year- old Jewish GI who becomes Dee’s friend until he finds out Dee is German. Samira Zidane, an 11 year-old girl and her mother Kenza who are French Algerians working with the French resistance. Canadians James McKay, 19 and Lance Corporal Sam Tremblay, a Cree Indian, who are part of the 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion. Private Bill Richards, 19, who is a tank driver and part of the Royal Dragoons from England. Corporal Henry Allen, a 20 year-old African American medic in the 320th Barrage Balloon Battalion. Monique Marchand, a 13 year-old French girl who came to the beach just before the attack started to retrieve her bathing suit from the day before. Lastly, Dorothy Powel, an American journalist for Collier’s Magazine sent to write about the invasion. Not all survive the day, but each contribute something to the ultimate victory.

            Gratz combines real history with fictional characters in a believable way. He is writing about a horrific experience, but he does so in an age appropriate way. There are scenes of the carnage of war, bombs exploding, men being shot down but also acts of heroism and kindness, loyalty and friendship. Allies is also more than just a war story as Gratz explores issues of racial prejudice against African Americans and Native Americans and stereotypes of women. Equally thought provoking is the tension that develops between Dee and Sid when Sid realizes that Dee is German.

            The Author’s Note at the back of the book is filled with interesting historical information as to what really happened regarding the various Operations mentioned in the book, Operation Neptune, the American landing on Omaha beach, Operation Tortoise, the French Resistance effort, and Operation Tonga, the dropping of paratroopers. Gratz explains that he made up several operation names to identify several unnamed events that really happened.  Operation Amiens, the use of Sherman tanks that float, Operation Integration, the unit of African American soldiers, and Operation Bathing Suit. There really was a young French student nurse who came to get her bathing suit and stayed to help wounded soldiers.

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